Getting Started with AWS Lambda & Serverless Framework

Mirza Leka
23 min readDec 29, 2022


This guide will teach you how to develop, test, and deploy AWS Lambda function using Serverless Framework and also get familiar with Identity Access Management (IAM), CloudFormation, S3 Bucket, API Gateway, CloudWatch, and other cool services.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

For this demonstration, we’ll be using Node.js for its simplicity, low Cold Starts, and huge ecosystem (npm) of tools available to us.

We’ll learn how to create APIs, enable CORS, run Serverless offline, handle errors, use middlewares, integrate with TypeScript, and set up production continuous deployment and monitoring.
You can get the full code on my GitHub.

You might be asking yourself, what is Serverless?

Serverless computing is a method of providing backend services on an
as-used basis. A Serverless provider allows users to write and deploy code without the hassle of worrying about the underlying infrastructure.
As developers, we only care about the code we write, while the servers are scaled and managed by the cloud providers.

The usual setup of Lambda functions in AWS is manual.
What Serverless Framework allows us to do is write all of the manual steps as the Infrastructure as a Code (IAAC) as well as easily manage resources and deploy our functions.

Some characteristics of Lambda functions:

  • Servers are managed and provisioned by your cloud provider (hence the name, Serverless)
  • No need to pay ahead. You pay per invocation. Plus there are free tiers. (Read more on AWS Lambda Pricing)
  • Small and simple. Great for offloading some pieces of work from your main server (payments, sending emails, compressing images, web scraping, etc.)
  • Scale automatically, indefinitely.
  • Can easily be integrated with other services such as S3, Dynamo DB, Cognito, SQS, etc.
  • Invoked with events (HTTP, Sockets, S3, etc.)
  • Lambda functions take time to run (warm-up) for the first time usage. (Read more on Cold Starts)

The beauty of the Serverless Framework is that it is not exclusive to AWS. It supports multiple cloud providers including Azure, GCP, AWS, etc, as well as several languages like Python, Node.js, C#, Java and other.

Make sure you have an AWS account, AWS-CLI and Node.js installed on your machine. You can verify the latter by running aws --version &
node -vin your terminal.

Illustration created by AllCode

Setting up IAM Role

To kick things off, we need to do is generate permissions for our Lambda User.

Step 1: We sign in to your AWS account and search for IAM.

Step 2: Click on the Users (under Access Management) in the sidebar on the left, then click on the Add users button to the right.

Step 3: On the next screen enter the user name (any name we want) and click on the Access key — Programmatic access checkbox.
Then, next.

Step 4: On the permissions screen we click on Attach existing policies directly, then click on the AdministratorAccess policy and click next.
To be fair you can select specific Lambda-related policies, but for the sake of this demonstration let’s go with the Admin policy.

Step 5: We get to the Tags page that we can just skip. Then we land on the final page and just click Create user button

Step 6: On the final screen, we get our access key and secret key that we’ll use to authenticate with Serverless Framework. These are super important.

AWS will only show this credentials to us once and never again. If we lose them, we need to generate new.
And also to not share this with anybody.

We’re done with the AWS website for now.

Now that we have our AWS Admin user, open up a terminal and install Serverless Framework on your machine:

$ npm i -g serverless

After that, we sign up to Serverless via the terminal using the credentials we’ve just generated. (sls is short for serverless)

$ sls config credentials --provider aws --key our_key --secret our_secret

These are now set in stone on our machine. Every AWS deployment that we do will directly go to our AWS account.

If you wish to change these credentials, go to the:

  • ~/.aws/credentials on Linux or macOS
  • C:\Users\ USERNAME \.aws\credentials on Windows.

If you have multiple AWS accounts, you can easily switch from deploying Lambda from one account to another just by swapping these credentials.

Creating our First Serverless Function

To start, we can run serverless --helpto see the list of commands available to us.

List of commands

To keep things simple we’ll use slscommand (short for serverless) from now on.

List of startup project options for us to choose

We then pick one of the options and hit enter to generate a project.

Another way we can do this is by creating an AWS Node.js template and optionally defining the path (directory) where our app will live.

$ sls create --template aws-nodejs --path my-first-serverless-app

If we go into the directory we’ve just generated, we’ll find two files that are of interest to us, handler.js and serverless.yml.

I’m using Visual Studio Code as my code editor

Inside the handler.js file, there is a dummy function created by the framework.

'use strict';

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(
message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!',
input: event,

// Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY integration
// return { message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!', event };

The key parts here are the exports statement (that uses CommonJS syntax) module.exportsand the name of the Lambda function hellothat returns some response.
This is a handler function that is invoked by the AWS, thus it must be exported. All of the code related to the function should be within.

Another file we have here is the serverless.yml file. This is where we write the infrastructure for our application. For the sake of simplicity, I removed most of the comments generated within this file.

Preview of serverless.yml file generated by sls command.

Let’s break it down:

  • Services
    This is the name of our service that will be generated on AWS. We can name it whatever we want.
  • Provider
    In this section, we can specify a cloud provider we’ll be using (AWS, Azure, etc) as well as the runtime environment. Currently, the minimum supported Node.js version is 12.
  • Stage and Region
    This part is set by default. You can specify a stage for your Lambda function (dev, staging, production), as well as the AWS region.
  • Functions
    We can have one or multiple functions that are invoked by AWS. Every function has a name (in this case hello) and a handler.
    Handler points to the file that is executed when the function is invoked.
    handler.hello represents two values, the name (path) of the file (in this case also handler) and the function that is been called (hello).
    You’ll notice that our handler.js file has a hello function that is being exported: module.exports.hello
    This line handler: handler.hellois the link between the function in the handler.js file and the function in the configuration.
  • Events
    Events are Lambda triggers that will run the function. Lambda can be activated by an HTTP call (specific method, on specific route), Socket event, S3 upload, etc.
  • Resources
    This is where you specify additional resources used by your function, e.g. Dynamo DB, S3 Bucket, Cognito, etc.
  • Environment
    This is where we set up environment variables (secret keys) used by the entire service, but we can also set up environment variables per function.
  • Plugins
    Set of special additions to your environment, e.g. Serverless-Offline that allows us to invoke functions locally or Serverless TypeScript plugin.

Read more on the Serverless.yml file.

Any CloudFormation fan will feel right at home here, as you can use the same AWS resources, variables, references, and import data from other files, etc.

Deploying and Testing our Function

Since I live in Europe, I’ll change the region to the one closest to me.

# you can overwrite defaults here
stage: dev
region: eu-central-1

Keep in mind that once you generate a Lambda function in a certain region, it will live in that region. You can swap regions in the main navbar on AWS Console.

AWS Home Page (AWS Console)

Now let’s deploy.

$ sls deploy
Serverless function deployment.

Since this is our first deployment it will take the longest. Now let’s go to AWS to see what we have.

Upon deployment, the serverless.yml file generates a CloudFormation stack and links all resources that our function uses.

If we search for CloudFormation in the AWS Console and go there, we’ll see our function. (as long as we’re in the correct region).

Search for CloudFormation in AWS Console
CloudFormation dashboard in AWS Console

If we click on our function in the table, it will open up a new window. Then click on the Resources tab and this will display all connected resources relevant to our function, like the IAM roles, the S3 bucket in which our Lambda is deployed, and the link to the function itself.

CloudFormation Stack generated by Serverless.yml

Clicking on the function (blue rectangle) will take us to the AWS Lambda screen.

Our Lambda function

Scrolling down, we can see the code of our function. We can test it by clicking on the orange Test button.

Code from the previously generated handler.js file.

This will pop up a modal for us to write details about our test.
We enter the Event name and leave everything else as default.

Setting up tests

Now click Save on the modal and then on the Test button in the navigation.

Select the event we’ve just created and click on the orange Test button again.

We see that everything went well and the code returned to us is what we wrote in the function (handler.js).

Let’s change our function code a bit and deploy it again.

'use strict';

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {
return 'Hello World!'

The event parameter that we see in the function is an object that returns the information on the request, such as the request method, body, query parameters, etc.

This time we haven’t changed our infrastructure at all, thus when deploying we can use a shorthand to just deploy the function code.

sls deploy -f hello // -f is shorthand for function
This deployment is much faster

Then we can head over to the AWS Console and once again test our code.

The Lambda page should have our latest changes
Our recently deployed code
Test passed

Now you might be wondering can we use NPM modules in our Lambda functions?
Yes, we can! However, there are things to keep in mind:

  • Lambda can’t run the NPM build for us, so we have to upload (deploy) the node_modules folder with the function.
  • Lambda functions are limited to 50 MB. If our folder exceeds this limit, we can Dockerize the whole project, deploy it to AWS ECS, and link it to Lambda.

Alternatively, we can upload our code to the S3 bucket and link Lambda to S3 — which is what the Serverless Framework is already doing for us behind the scenes.

Manually link function code uploaded to S3 and create Lambda function

From here we can add triggers to our Lambda function, setup timeout, and other configuration options, but we won’t do it in that manner. Why?
Because we’re using Serverless Framework to set up infrastructure — so that we do not need to click around.

Creating APIs with Serverless Framework

To invoke our Lambda function from our client (web, mobile application, or Postman), we need to set up an entry point — the API Gateway.

API Gateway illustration created using

To do this we edit the serverless.yml file and include the HTTP API in the events section.

handler: handler.hello
- httpApi:
path: /
method: get

Now let’s redeploy.

$ sls deploy
Serverless deployment with API Gateway

This time we also get an API endpoint as a response. If we visit this URL in the browser it should return the correct response.

URL of recently deployed Serverless function

Another way to invoke this API is to it directly from the terminal.

$ sls invoke -f hello -l // where -f stands for function and -l for logs
Invoking Lambda function from the terminal

If we go to our Lambda Function in the AWS Console, we can see that the function now has a link to the API Gateway on this screen as well as in the CloudFormation resources screen.

Adding POST Request

Let’s expand our function with another route.
We can retrieve the HTTP method from the event object and then write the implementation.
Here I’m also logging the event object to the console. We’ll see how to preview these logs later on.

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {
console.log('event :>> ', event);

if (event.requestContext.http.method === 'POST') {
return {
statusCode: 201,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'Resource created!',

return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'Resource retrieved!',


Now let’s modify the YAML file.

handler: handler.hello
- httpApi:
path: /
method: get
- httpApi:
path: /create
method: post

What we’ve done here is created two routes in the same file. We can also create multiple functions (handler files) and separate each route into its own function. Read more about Serverless Architecture Patterns.

We’ll also allow CORS in the provider section so that everyone can access our routes. More on CORS in the docs.

name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
cors: true

Let’s run the deploy command again.

$ sls deploy

Now we have two endpoints that we can interact with.

Let’s test these routes:

a) Postman

Testing GET route

One important step for sending a POST request is to set a
Content-Typeheader to application/json

Setting required headers
Testing POST route

b) Web Application

const URL = ``;

fetch(URL, options)
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((jsonObject) => {
console.log(jsonObject) // {message: 'Resource retrieved!'}
.catch((error) => {
const options = {
method: 'POST',
data: {},
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

const URL = ``;

fetch(URL, options)
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
.then((jsonObject) => {
console.log(jsonObject) // {message: 'Resource created!'}
.catch((error) => {
CloudWatch illustration by DigitalCloudTraining

Monitoring with CloudWatch & Serverless Console

To better understand what is going on in our functions we can go to the CloudWatch service. The easiest way to find logs for our function is to go to the function screen and click on the Monitor tab.

AWS Lambda screen for our function

This opens a list of options, but what we’re interested in is the View logs in CloudWatch option.

Then we get to the page where we can see logs in order and we can click on each to preview what happened at that point in time.

Here we can see the list of events that occurred and even our event object that we previously logged to the console. We can expand each by clicking on the chevron icon on the left.

Another way to monitor logs is to use Serverless Console provided by the Serverless Framework. To enable it, simply run:

$ sls --console

First, it prompts to enable access to AWS and create an IAM role.

Then we need to register or log in to the Serverless Dashboard opened in the browser.

Log in screen to Serverless Console

After a few minutes of setup, we go to the Serverless Console and find our service. We also need to enable Logs, Traces, and Dev mode (because so far we’ve been only using the dev stage).

Setting up the configuration for our function

Then make a few requests (GET or POST) and the metrics will appear almost in real-time.

Monitoring metrics with Serverless Console

Running Serverless Functions Offline

Developing features, and then deploying only to be able to test them in production is a huge time consumer. For that reason, the team behind Serverless Framework created the Serverless Offline feature that allows us to test our code locally.

To start we need to initialize an NPM project, npm init -y :

Initialized NPM project

This will create a package.json file in the project directory.

Default package.json file

Now let’s install serverless-offline as a dev-dependency.

$ npm i --save-dev serverless-offline

The next step is to add a serverless-offline plugin to our serverless.yml file:

- serverless-offline

With this in place, we can use the help command to verify that everything is set correctly and see the list of options available to us.

$ serverless-offline --help
Serverless Offline commands

Now we run Serverless locally.

$ sls offline start
Serverless Offline creates a local server on our machine on port 3000 and exposes routes available to us.

Now let’s test it using Postman.

Testing Serverless function locally

And we can see our requests logged in the console.

If we need to make a code change, we simply shut down the server through the terminal (CTRL/CMD + C) and run in again, using the same command again. For NPM geeks, we can bind this command to a script in the package.json file and execute it with ease.

"name": "my-first-serverless-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "handler.js",
"scripts": {
"dev": "serverless offline start"
"keywords": [],
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"serverless-offline": "^12.0.3"

We can name this script whatever we want, but I chose dev . Now we run:

$ npm run dev 
// or if you're using yarn
$ yarn dev

Using Environment Variables

Sometimes in our apps, we want to add special keywords, like external API keys, JWT secrets, DB connection string, etc. For this reason, we make use of the Environment variables.

We can define Environment variables in the provider section of our YAML:

name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
cors: true
DUMMY_API_KEY: 'Dummy value'

Then we can access this variable using process.env object in handler.js file:

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {
console.log('Dummy env var :>> ', process.env.DUMMY_API_KEY);

If we make another request to a server, we should see this log printed in the terminal.

The previously set Environment variable was global for the whole service, but we can also set variables per functions that will override the global ones (if named the same):

handler: handler.hello
DUMMY_API_KEY: 'New Dummy value' # will override the previous
- httpApi:
path: /
method: get
- httpApi:
path: /create
method: post

Once the variables are set, we can find them on the AWS Lambda screen, under Configuration, Environment variables.

Read more on Environment variables in Serverless Framework.

Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Handling Errors

At some point, we may want to validate the user’s input.
Here we set up a condition to validate the request body and if it’s invalid, we return an error.

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {

if (event.requestContext.http.method === 'POST') {

if (!event.body) {
console.log('gonna throw error')
throw new Error('Body field is requried')

return {
statusCode: 201,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: "Resource created!",

Then we run this using Postman and take a peek into the terminal.

Sending request without body object
Errors in the terminal

That didn’t go as expected. We have two problems:

  • JavaScript built-in Error class does not have HTTP status codes
  • This error is unhandled (and our application is potentially down)

To solve the first issue, we’ll install and set up the http-errors NPM package.

$ npm i http-errors
const createError = require('http-errors'); // importing package

module.exports.hello = async (event) => {

if (event.requestContext.http.method === 'POST') {

if (!event.body) {
throw createError(400, `Field "body" is required!`); // using it

Now we get a more readable error.

However, the status code is still 200. To fix this we need to introduce
error-handling logic.


Onto the second problem, we’ll enhance our Lambda function with middlewares. For that, we have an NPM package called Middy.

$ npm i @middy/core @middy/http-error-handler @middy/error-logger

We’ve just installed three packages:

  • Middy Lambda function wrapper
  • error handler
  • error logger (so that we do not need to log errors manually)

Now let’s implement this.
First, we wrap the whole function with middy.

Then we make use of use()function, attach it to the end of the middy function and pass each middleware we want to use.

const middy = require('@middy/core');
const httpErrorHandler = require('@middy/http-error-handler');
const errorLogger = require('@middy/error-logger');

module.exports.hello = middy(async (event) => {

Let’s send an invalid request.

Error is thrown as expected, but the app is still up.
If we look into Postman, we can see that the HTTP status code is now 400 (Bad Request).

And of course, if we send the body in the request (even if it’s empty), the response will be successful.

Middy middleware is more than an error handler. We can use it to normalize requests, hide unwanted headers, cache response, set up CORS, SSM, etc. Read more on Middy.

Before we push our changes to AWS there are some things to address.

The latest version of Middy (4.0.9) is not compatible with Node.js 12 set in our YAML file. If you’re using Node.js 14 or lower I suggest using these packages:

    "@middy/core": "^2.5.7",
"@middy/error-logger": "^2.5.7",
"@middy/http-error-handler": "^2.5.7"

To use the latest Middy version (installed by npm), go to the provider section of the YAML file and change the Node.js runtime version to 16.

name: aws
runtime: nodejs16.x

Then deploy and everything should work as expected.

$ sls deploy
Testing error handler in production (Middy 4.09 and Node.js 16.x)


Let’s also add type safety to our functions. We’ll begin by installing some packages:

$ npm i aws-lambda
$ npm i --save-dev @types/aws-lambda @types/node @types/http-errors serverless-plugin-typescript typescript

What we do not need to do is reinstall Middy as this package supports TypeScript out of the box.

We also need to initialize TypeScript to get the tsconfig.json file:

tsc --init

And add the plugin we’ve just installed (serverless-plugin-typescript) to the plugins section in our YAML file:

- serverless-offline
- serverless-plugin-typescript

The beauty of this plugin is that it will do TypeScript builds for us. Upon running, it will create a .build directory specified in the tsconfig.json file.

Now we can rename our handler.js file to the handler.ts and begin refactoring.


"compilerOptions": {
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"allowJs": true,
"target": "es2017",
"outDir": ".build",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"lib": ["es2017"],
"rootDir": "./",
"strict": true,
"module": "commonjs",
"esModuleInterop": true
"include": [
"exclude": [


import { APIGatewayEvent } from 'aws-lambda';

import middy from '@middy/core';

import httpErrorHandler from '@middy/http-error-handler';
import errorLogger from '@middy/error-logger';
import createError from 'http-errors';

export const hello = middy(async (event: APIGatewayEvent) => {
if (event.requestContext.routeKey?.includes('POST')) {
if (!event.body) {
throw createError(400, 'Field "body" is required!');

return {
statusCode: 201,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'Resource created!',

return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'Hello AWS Lambda TypeScript on Serverless Framework!',


service: my-first-serverless-app

frameworkVersion: '3'

name: aws
runtime: nodejs16.x
cors: true
DUMMY_API_KEY: 'Dummy value'

stage: dev
region: eu-central-1

handler: handler.hello
DUMMY_API_KEY: 'New Dummy value'
- httpApi:
path: /
method: get
- httpApi:
path: /create
method: post

- serverless-offline
- serverless-plugin-typescript

Let’s run it npm run dev

Preview of the terminal
Photo by Devopedia

Push Changes to Git & Create Deployment Pipeline

Instead of manually deploying every time we make a change, we want to deploy our changes to AWS every time we push our code to Git.

First, log into your GitHub account and create a new repository by going to this page.

On the next screen, give the repository a name and proceed by clicking the Create repository button.

Creating new repository

Initialize the repository in your project directory by running git init

Which then highlights all files that are not .gitignored.

Moving forward we just follow the steps on GitHub.

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main

Now our code should be deployed to Git.

Creating Deployment Pipeline

Remember the access key and secret we generated on the IAM page?
I mentioned that these keys are super important and that we should keep them safe. We're going to use these keys and store them in our GitHub repository to authorize deployments to AWS.

We start by adding secrets to our GitHub Repository.

On the repository page, click on Settings in the top navigation, then on Secrets, Actions, then on the New repository secret button.

Adding Secrets to GitHub repository

Then add each one by one.

Back in the code editor, In your root directory, we’ll create a .github directory, then a workflows directory inside, then a main.yml file (.github/workflows/main.yml)

.github workflows main.yml file

We can find an example of the main.yml file on the Serverless
GitHub Actions page.

It should look like this (with our AWS Serverless GitHub secrets set)

name: Deploy Lambda to AWS

- main

name: deploy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
node-version: [16.x]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- run: npm ci # install dependencies from package.json file
- name: serverless deploy
uses: serverless/github-action@v3.1
args: deploy
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }} # picks from GitHub secrets

Now we stage these stages and push them to Git.

git add .
git commit -m "Added Github deployment actions"
git push

Upon pushing we should see a new job running under the Actions tab in the GitHub repository.

We can click on it to expand.

Once the deployment is completed, expand the serverless deploy section and take the two API endpoints:

Let’s test one of these in Postman to verify that it works.

Testing function once again in production
Photo by Steve Johnson from Pexels

Remove Lambda Function

To remove this function from AWS simply run the command:

$ sls remove
Removing function from AWS

Make sure to run this command for each stage (dev, production, etc.)
You can build a new function just by redeploying the existing one.

Notes on Lambda & Serverless Framework

  • If we enter a command that is deprecated, Serverless Framework will display warnings in the terminal when deploying.
  • If we enter an invalid command, the Framework will throw an error and will not deploy.
  • Node.js version in your YAML file must be in sync with versions of the packages you’re using (in the package.json file). Otherwise, the Lambda will throw breaking errors.
  • Separating routes per function allows us to deploy only the function (part of the code) that has been changed.
  • Debugging is hard because you can’t SSH into the machine to see what went wrong. Logs are your best bet to find issues.
  • Lambda functions are not recommended to be used with systems where the persistence of significance. Due to auto-scaling, we can never be certain which instance we’re using and if we spam the app with frequent Read & Write requests, there is a chance that the data will be inconsistent (Race Conditions).

More Serverless Goodies


# Authenticate with AWS

sls config credentials --provider aws --key access_key --secret secret

# Create Project

sls or
sls create -t aws-nodejs -p my-app (--template) (--path)

# Deploy Project

sls deploy -- deploy whole project
sls deploy -f hello -- deploy just a specified function

# Local Testing
(with Serverless-Offline installed and plugin set)

sls offline start -- starts the app on localhost:3000

# Remove Project

sls remove -- Remove the project from AWS


Visual Studio Code has a Serverless-IDE extension that helps us to better write the serverless.yml files.


We’ve already seen how to monitor issues with CloudWatch and Serverless Console. I also want to recommend another service called Dashbird.

Dashbird gives you a pretty detailed overview of your Lambda functions and does frequent email alerts when sometimes goes wrong.

Dashbird Dashboard
Peek into errors

It’s also pretty easy to set it up with your AWS account. Official Docs.

Learn More

This was just a small peek into the world of Serverless. I definitely encourage you to use AWS Lambda yourself and try the things that are on offer.

Again, you can find the whole code on my AWS-Lambda-Starter repository.

Special thanks to my partner in crime Dženan Džafić.

I’ll see you in 2023 👋



Written by Mirza Leka

Web Developer. DevOps Enthusiast. I share my experience with the rest of the world. Follow me on for news & updates #FreePalestine

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